Well, it has been a long time, since i haven't posted any thing, i was a bit busy with my university exams, However, finally i managed to get some time to write something, Today
Stats And The "Don't track ..." Option, Used With Multiple Browsers And Shared Computers
1:20 AM
"Don't track", Confusion, Cookies, Dashboard - Stats, Private Data, Shared Computer, Stats, Stats "Don't track", Stats Problems, Third Party Cookies
The controversial nature of Stats and the "Don't track ..." option, which requires a third party cookie to enable the option to work, continues. Even with all possible cookie filter properly set, and a
Adding The Domain Ownership Verification "CNAME", For A Non Root Virtual Host
1:40 AM
Custom Domains, Custom Domains DNS, Custom Domains Ownership Verification, Custom Domains Setup
Now that the new required custom domain publishing ownership verification feature has been out for several months, we are seeing it used in domains with multiple virtual hosts. A few blog owners are even
Would Be Blog Owners Report Inability To Create A Blog
12:58 PM
"Create A Blog", Blogging, Browser, Cache and Cookies, Cookies, Dormant Blog, Layered Security, URL Availability
We are currently seeing frustration, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about new blog creation.Would be new blog owners have various concernsI can't create a blog - the "Create" button is grey (inoperative)!orIt
Remove The "Next Blog" Link From The Navbar
Ever since Blogger added the "Next Blog" link to the Blogger Navbar, blog owner and readers alike have periodically asked one question, in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I?.How do I remove the "Next
Blog Readers Report Comments, Supposedly Published Using A Mobile Computer, Appear To Disappear
11:31 PM
Authentication, Authentication Sequence, Commenting Problems, Comments, Confusion, Cookies, Mobile Blogging, Mobile Template, Third Party Cookies
Recently, we've been seeing a few problem reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, mentioning problems publishing comments on Blogger blogs, when using mobile computers.My readers tell me that they can't comment on
Some Blog Owners Reporting The Template Designer Changes Do Not Update On Their Blogs
1:01 PM
Browser, Browser Updates, Dashboard, Dashboard - Template, Designer Templates, Dynamic Template Problems, Dynamic Templates, Dynamic Views, Etiology, Layered Security, Live Preview, Mobile Template, Template, Template Designer, Template Editor, Template Tweaks
For several weeks, we're been seeing various reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, mentioning problems with template updates, being made using the Template Designer wizard. The reports are not so widespread to
Hackers Get Your Team Ready - CTF 365
When it comes to infosec industry we all know that practice is the best way to learn how to defend and protect your system and more important how to find vulnerabilities and flaws within
Disable The Mobile Template, On Your Blog - As A Default View
3:33 PM
Browser, Classic Template, Mobile Blogging, Mobile Template, Template, Virginia, Visitor Choice
Over a year ago, Blogger introduced a useful template option for our blogs - mobile templates.Blogger mobile templates are mobile-optimized versions of our Template Designer templates. If you are using one of these templates,
Visitor Logs Cause Undue Concern
10:59 AM
Blog Access, Cache, Confusion, FUD, Icons, Quick Edit, Security, Visitor Information, Visitors
We see periodic concern, expressed in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, over apparent visitor access to blog maintenance wizards, using the Quick Edit icons.I found this entry, in my StatCounter log. How did
Use Of Google+ For Networking, And Keeping Your Blogger Account And Blogs Safe
10:43 AM
Account Recovery, Account Security, Blog Ownership, Comment Spam, Comment Subscription, Comments, Deleting Comments, EMail, Email Address, EMail Distribution, Google+, Google+ Sharing, Hacking, Nice Blog Spam, Ownership, Security, Spam, Spam Interdiction
One constant activity in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken involves blog owners whose blogs were deleted - either righteously or spuriously - as part of the ongoing battle against spam, in Blogger blogs.
Route Redistribution Basics: Golden Rules about Route Redistribution
1. Routes can be redistributed from one routing protocol to another. This is the assumption which we are working. But this is not true, routes are not redistributed from one protocol to another. Routes
Submitting A Court Order To Google
Periodically, we have discussions in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about issues, that absolutely cannot be resolved in a forum problem discussion. These issues will vary, by relationship to a given blog, as
The Story Behind, How The Data Was Stolen
No one likes to hear the bad news that their computer, email, or phone has been hacked and the data stored in it has been plundered by cyber criminals. And hearing this news during
After Using "Buy a domain", Blog Owners Are Seeing "Server error" From Google Apps
1:31 PM
"Buy a domain ...", Browser, Custom Domains, Custom Domains Setup, Google Apps, Google Apps Account, Google Apps Email, Internet Explorer
Ever since Google ended its free Google Apps accounts, we've been seeing reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about problems encountered when setting up a new Google Apps account, to administer a
PayPal Pays Me A Total Bounty Of 10,000 For The Command Execution Bug
Recently, I wrote about the command execution vulnerability i found in Paypal for which they sent me an initial payment of 5000$, This story was featured in lots of popular
Basics of Static Routing: Secret Facts about Static Routing
Static routing is one of the easiest way to define reachability among the different networks but is only helpful if you are in stub network (A network which is having a single exit point)
Redirecting The Home Page, And Mobile Templates
Everything has its limits - even Blogger features. For a while, we've been seeing hints that mobile templates don't support a redirected Home page.How do I disable the Blogger mobile redirect "/?m=1"?Some blog owners
Mohammad Chose Blogging, I Choose Hacking
Well, this post is not an ordinary one that talks about "Making Six Figure Income Online" or making millions from blogging, it rather contains some interesting piece of advices for Novice Bloggers and also
Template Designer Upgrades Require Supporting Updates To The Individual Blog Templates
10:37 PM
Blogger Mystery, Browser Updates, Designer Templates, Gadget Template, Live Preview, Post Template, Schizophrenia, Template, Template Designer, Template Tweaks, Third Party Products, Virginia
This week, we're seeing a small flood of problem reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken about problems with the Template Designer.Every time I change something, I have to refresh the page in
The Content Of Your Reading List Is Your Responsibility
10:11 AM
Due Process, Following, Post Feed Redirect, Reading List, Reading List Spam, Responsible Practice, Subscriptions
Occasionally, we see an odd problem report about Reading List content, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.How did this blog get into my Reading List? I did not Follow this blog!Most people will
Basics of EIGRP Routing Protocol: EIGRP Cheatsheet – Learn EIGRP in 15 min
Long time folks, was busy with a lot of projects. Hope coming year gets less busier and I get to get my hands more dirty on networks and network security. In the meantime, here
Blogger Magic - Activating The Blog Feed
9:30 AM
Blog Feed, Blogger Magic, Newsfeeds, Pirates, Settings, Settings - Other, Site Feed
One of the neatest - and easiest - techniques, to make your blog available to a larger audience, uses a replica of the blog posts - the blog newsfeed. Most blogs, when new, have
Redirecting Any URL In Your Blog, To Another URL
1:44 AM
Blogging, Custom Redirects, Home Page, Labels, Main Page View, Redirecting, Renaming, Settings, Settings - Search preferences
In late 2011, Blogger Engineering gave us a new Blogger feature - the ability to redirect any URL in a blog, to any other URL in the blog. Like any feature, we found an
WOW! Paypal Sends Me 5000$ For A Command Execution Vulnerability
Update: 5000$ was the initial payment, Paypal payed another 5000$ which makes the total bug bounty of 10,000$ for the command execution vulnerability - PayPal Pays Me A Total Bounty Of 10,000 For The Command
Cracking Cpanel Passwords [Tutorial 2]
One of our guest authors already wrote a post on "Cracking Cpanel passwords", however that method worked for some sites and did not work on others, However, recently avinash mailed me a guest post,