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Blogger Provides A Mixed Content Detection Tool

In the process of publishing my earlier post "Blogger Magic - Add An HTML Gadget", I discovered the latest feature in the Blogger SSL upgrade.

Page / Post Editor now scans page / post content, and warns us when there are links still using "http" protocol. This will help us avoid publishing pages and posts which will generate "Mixed Content" warnings, when pages and posts are displayed using SSL.

The new post editor tool will help us avoid subjecting our readers to unexpected "Mixed Content" warnings.

We will be responsible for finding out what specific content can be accessed, using SSL. If we believe that a significant proportion of the identified page / post content can be accessed using SSL, we can have all content automatically changed from "http" to "https" - then deal with individual access problems.

The "Fix" link will change all "http:" links to "https:".

If you believe that all links, currently accessed using "http", can be accessed using "https", you can use the "Fix" link. Otherwise, use "Dismiss", then manually change individual links.

Alternately, use a browser based "string find" tool, as available, and identify each instance of "http:".

The "Dismiss" link lets you evaluate each "http:" link, using the browser "find" wizard.

Then, make your own decision.

Using either "Dismiss" or "Fix", you are responsible for each link - if you want your readers to get results from each link that you provide.

Click on "Learn more", for more information, in Blogger Help: Fix mixed content on your blog.

Which ever you choose, your readers benefit should be your guiding force.

As part of providing SSL connectivity for our blogs, #Blogger now provides an "http:" detector, in post editor. The blog owner has the choice to change each "http:" link in the post automatically - or to manually evaluate change each link, and change when appropriate.

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